EasilyconvertimagestoGIFonlineinstantlyandeffortlessly.Noinstallationorpluginsrequired.SimplydropyourJPG,PSD,PNG,WEBP,TIFF,HEIC...images ...,OnlineGIFmakerwhereyoucancreateanimatedGIFs,banners,slideshowsfromsequenceofimages.UploadframesandmakeaGIFormergeandeditexisting ...,OnlineJPGtoGIFconverter.UploadasingleJPGandconvertittostaticGIFimage,orasequenceofJPGimagesandconvertthemtoanimatedGIF.,GI...

Image to GIF

Easily convert images to GIF online instantly and effortlessly. No installation or plugins required. Simply drop your JPG, PSD, PNG, WEBP, TIFF, HEIC... images ...

Animated GIF Maker

Online GIF maker where you can create animated GIFs, banners, slideshows from sequence of images. Upload frames and make a GIF or merge and edit existing ...

Online JPG to GIF converter

Online JPG to GIF converter. Upload a single JPG and convert it to static GIF image, or a sequence of JPG images and convert them to animated GIF.

Animated GIF Maker allows you to create animated gifs, slideshows, and video animations with music online freely and easily, no registration required. Video to GIF · GUID Generator Online · Convert Case Online · Character Count

Animated GIF Maker

You can make high quality animated GIFs online for free, with simple and powerful customization options, much faster than advanced tools like Adobe Photoshop.

Free GIF Maker: Create GIFs from images and videos

With Canva's free online GIF maker, easily make a GIF from videos and images and say what you need to say in one bite-sized clip.

Convert JPGs to GIFs or animated GIFs in seconds!

Create animated GIFs with your JPG images or transform your JPG into separate GIF images. It's free and easy!

Convert Image to GIF

評分 4.8 (6,466) Turn multiple images, photos, and pictures into an animated GIF. Simply upload the images you want to turn to a GIF and export it in seconds.

GIF Maker - Images To GIF - 在Windows 上免費下載並安裝

GIF Maker - Images To GIF is a powerful yet user-friendly app designed to transform your images into stunning GIFs effortlessly.

JPG to GIF Converter - Convert image to GIF

評分 4.6 (6,227) Use our online tool to convert your JPG images into GIF format. Our JPG to GIF converter tool doesn't need installation or registration to be used.